Dribnota: family picnic // 48 prize places
Realized 28.05.2018 - 31.07.2018
35 200 UAH
Dribnota is a community of not indifferent parents and interested progressive educators who create autonomous educational projects, thus filling up the year with modular interactive learning. Also, Dribnota is engaged in organization of high-quality leisure and popularization of a healthy lifestyle.
Project "Dribnota: Family Picnic" is an annual city holiday dedicated to the International Children's Day, which will take place on June 2 in the Shevchenko City Park. This is a great event that attracts up to 200 bicycle racers and up to 1,000 participants in development locations. Bicycle races include 16 races for children from 3 to 14 years old. The uniqueness of this part of the event is that the children's cycling competitions usually cover the age category from the age of 14, but the organizers, meanwhile, make an event for the youngest, who are up to 14 years old.