Study and renovation of old signs in Ivano-Frankivsk
Realized 28.07.2018 - 31.10.2018
36 895 UAH
Specialists will be engaged to renovate the sign made at the end of XIX century of the musical school at 17 Sichovykh Striltsiv Str. and to study other historical signs in Ivano-Frankivsk within the project. The educational and promotional event is also going to be held next to the renovated object in order to disseminate knowledge on alternative signs and importance of preservation of the historical environment. There will be the following presentation at the event:
- History of signs made in XIX-XX in Ukraine and abroad;
- Stages of renovation of the historical sign at 17 17 SichovykhStriltsiv Str.;
- results of the study of other historical signs in the city.
It is planned that the study will result in expert opinions on at least two other historical signs, which may thereafter be supported by sponsors and activists in Ivano-Frankivsk following the example of renovation of the sign at 17 Sichovykh Striltsiv Str.
Funds provided by Urban Space will cover expenses for the renovator’s services and materials, study of the signs, overhead logistical expenses of the renovator and lease of scaffolding, including its installation and dismantling.