On April 27th, the co-founders of Urban Space 100 supported 7 projects worth 220,667 UAH
In the first quarter of 2019, the co-founders of the Urban Space 100 public restaurant had their regular meeting. The amount to be distributed according to the results of the restaurant’s activities in Q1 was 367,942 UAH.
Seven projects were funded for the total amount of 220,667 UAH.
The co-founders of Urban Space 100 decided to transfer the remaining amount of 147,275 UAH to the next grant season.
Read on to know more about the projects:
1. FutureFest. Born to Create
Grant Amount: 56,997 UAH
It’s a large-scale career festival with the following locations: 2 lecture halls; path of opportunities; communication, networking, and food zones. The goal of the project is to foster the development of youth in Ivano-Frankivsk and creation of spaces for them to fulfil their potential; to increase the number of competent teenagers ready to be employed or start their own businesses by means of career guidance.
Urban Space 100 will cover the costs of equipment rental, printing materials design, video assembly, room decoration, compensation to the band and speakers, transport and food for volunteers, and project administration.
2. Children Monitor Air Quality
Grant Amount: 18,616 UAH
The goal of the project is to teach children to monitor air quality, analyse pollution level and react to different pollution load; to convey the problem of air pollution to parents through children; to install more public air quality monitoring stations for better public awareness.
Urban Space 100 will cover the costs of purchase of electronic components for the production of an air quality monitoring station, printing of materials and execution of the event.
3. Peanuts (Dribnota): Family Picnic // 48 Prizes and Awards for the Youngest
Grant Amount: 42,300 UAH
This is an annual city festival dedicated to the Child’s Day, which will take place on June 1 in the Taras Shevchenko City Park. The event attracts up to 200 bicycle racers and up to 1,000 participants of educational venues. Bicycle races include 16 races for children aged 3 to 14. This event fosters family unity and promotes healthy lifestyle among children.
The grant programme will cover the costs of the bicycle race prize fund (48 prizes) and presents to participants.
4. Disability Does Not Set Limit — Discrimination Does!
Grant Amount: 25,654 UAH
The goal of the project is to overcome discrimination on the grounds of disability through the following:
- Highlighting the problem of architectural, transport and information accessibility for low-mobility population of Ivano-Frankivsk and region.
- Providing advice on tolerance, communication ethics and support for people with disabilities.
This is to be achieved by disseminating information through trainings and media.
Urban Space 100 will cover the costs of rental of available space, equipment, catering for participants, design and printing of flyers.
5. Franko100 Bicycle Race
Grant Amount: 40,000 UAH
The goal of the project is to organise a 100km bicycle race in Ivano-Frankivsk under the Audax Club Parisien (one of the oldest cycling clubs in the world) rules. It’s the first event of that kind in the region, which is going to be held every year. Cyclists from different cities and regions will participate, thus promoting our city among the Ukrainian cycling movement.
The grant programme will cover the costs of the design, photo and social media management services, background music, event promotion, and hand-outs.
6. Legs or Wheels, They Are Just Means for Moving
Grant amount: 27,000 UAH (partial covering of the declared amount)
The project envisages 9-month work to bring people with disabilities out of confines of the four walls of their homes for socialisation, communication, advanced training, and psychological assistance in order to fully integrate them into society. To this end, they will be offered classes, workshops, mindset trainings, seminars, conferences, and entertainment events.
Urban Space 100 will cover meal costs for event participants and purchase of materials for
7. Reproductive Health School
Grant Amount: 10,100 UAH
The goal of the project is to create and maintain proper understanding of reproductive health among young people through awareness-building; to promote knowledge on the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. The project envisages 41 lectures at schools and colleges of Ivano-Frankivsk, 5 lectures for students in the form of open dialogue with qualified physicians for reproductive health.
Urban Space 100 will fund the costs of production and printing of informational materials, rental of rooms and hand-outs.
Throughout its existence, Urban Space 100 has supported 99 projects, including the above.
Read more about all the projects in the Supported Projects section.
The next general meeting will be held on July 27th. You may send your application from June 15th to July 15th.
Please read the Urban Space 100 Grant Application Submission Rules here.