Projects Supported by Urban Space 100 July 2019
In the second quarter of 2019, the regular general meeting of the Urban Space 100 public restaurant co-founders took place 6 projects received funding totaling 202 497 UAH.
Let us describe the supported projects in details:
1. Sterilization is needed
Grant amount – 7 700 UAH
The project aims to attract the attention of the authorities and change the attitude of the residents of Ivano-Frankivsk and villages of city council to sterilization as a humane method of limiting the number of animals by distributing information materials.
The grant program will cover the cost of printing and distribution of materials.
2. IT-education project
Grant amount – 43 060 UAH
Only 6% of those enrolled in massive online courses complete it successfully. For this reason, it was decided to combine the two teaching methods into one innovative system, the educational portal P2P.IF.UA, which will allow everyone to benefit of a peer-to-peer approach and high quality educational content while transforming the acquisition of knowledge in a continuous productive team process for all of the participants.
Platform advantages: peer-to-peer format, clear deadlines, efficient system feedback, online and offline learning, website flexibility, constant access to mentors. Later on this platform will be used for receiving knowledge not only in the field of IT, but also for other educational products: courses on development of individual competencies, design, civil rights and more.
Funding from the Urban Space 100 will cover the cost of the project administering, the purchase of a domain, the set-up of an educational portal, the travel and accommodation expenses for the mentors.
3. If there is a loss; manual for health care providers, perinatal and neonatal losses managements centers
Grant amount – UAH 24,000
The organizers are engaged into the implementation of a support system for parents in Ukraine who lost children before, during, or shortly after childbirth. The pilot project on the implementation of a loss management system is planned. A significant component is the preparation of a manual for medical staff. The project aims to provide the medical staff of the Ivano-Frankivsk perinatal center with such a manual.
Funding from Urban Space 100 will cover the cost of creating, designing and printing of information materials as well as project administration.
4. Feet or wheels are just a way of moving
Grant amount – 33 500 UAH
The project is designed for 9 months of social work with people with disabilities for their socialization and integration into society. The project was already supported by Urban Space 100 last season, but the activity is planned to further continue. Every month (1-2 times a month) organizers will hold trainings, workshops, psychological training, seminars, conferences, entertainment activities for communication, socialization, training and psychological help for people with disabilities.
The grant program will cover the cost of materials for workshops, food, services of a designer and photographer.
5. KidsDO
Grant amount – 21 697 UAH
KidsDO project is designed to create a convenient and effective learning environment for basic IT education for children with special educational needs. Currently the team Roboclub is working on the development and adaptation of a curriculum for children with hearing impairment. This is not an easy task and the specialists in this field will be involved in the project implementation to fully embrace the nuances and peculiarities of teaching the children. During three months (October, November, December), children aged 7-9, will attend integrated lessons on robotics and visual programming. The training course will be developed based on the Lego Education constructor series.
Funding from the Urban Space 100 will cover the cost of developing the course, materials and training of trainers and project administration.
6. Detector Gallery _Begining
Grant amount – 37 500 UAH
The project involves the organization of 2 exhibitions, a series of events on contemporary art and forming a visual information and navigation package. Two exhibitions of works of Frankivsk artists: Rostislav Koterlin and Sergey Mishchenko. Featured artists belong to completely different communities - Coterlin has been known since the early 90's, he has his own agents and his works are being successfully sold, and Mishchenko had never had a personal exhibition and demonstrates his works to social media followers. The artists work in completely different genres, but they are the representative of contemporary art.
The grant program will cover the cost of space preparation, organization, navigation and promotional campaign for exhibitions.
Including these projects, throughout the whole period of its existence Urban Space 100 has supported 104 projects of a total value of UAH 2 514 328,55. All the projects can be found in the section "Completed projects".
You can apply for the next Grant Season starting from September 15 untill October 15.