On 30 January, the 27th General Meeting of the co-founders of the Urban Space 100 public restaurant took place. The net profit generated amounted to UAH 239,504. 6 projects were provided funds for the total of UAH 250,400.
Learn more about the supported projects:
1. Restoration of doors to the main building of the Medical University (2, Halytska Str.).
Grant amount — UAH 83,000
The Urban Space 100 funds will cover the costs of carpentry.
2. Stanislavv — a digital guide of Frankivsk City.
Grant amount — UAH 27,000
The Urban Space 100 funds will cover the costs of promotional products, the development of interactive sightseeing cultural routes in Ivano-Frankivsk, and the development of the Support bot menu.
3. Modernisation of the local history museum — elaboration of the concept of development and modernisation of the nature department and its visualization
Grant amount — UAH 58,000 (the project was partially funded from the total amount of the request, which is UAH 156,100).
The grant program will cover the costs to make the entrance group to the local history museum, develop the concept (pay for the services of an architect, designer, museum expert consulting, curator).
4. A series of exhibitions “No longer / Not yet” about people's lives during the pandemic and isolation
Grant amount — UAH 35,000
The Urban Space 100 funds will cover the costs of works, delivery, photography, videography, advertising, SMM and project management.
5. Revival — a multimedia exhibition of modern art
Grant amount — UAH 42,000
The Urban Space 100 funds will cover the costs of renting premises and equipment, printing, costs of materials for the exposition, as well as household expenses of the lecture program participants.
6. Park Underfoot — an ecological race with a length of 5 km and tree planting by the participants
Grant amount — UAH 5,400 (the project was partially funded from the total amount of the request, which is UAH 6,780)
The grant program will cover the costs of personal protective equipment, skin disinfectants, work equipment and tree seedlings.
For six years of its existence, Urban Space 100 has supported 123 projects totalling UAH 3,233,956.55.