Urban Space 100 returns with a grant competition to support social projects in Ivano-Frankivsk.
The grant competition starts on 15 June and ends on 15 July 2022, and the results will be announced on 30 July. For 7 years, the Urban Space 100 grant fund has been formed from 80% of the restaurant’s net profit and directed exclusively to social projects for the development of Ivano-Frankivsk and its community.
“We expect to see relevant projects that overcome the challenges of time. These are social enterprises, support for internally displaced persons, summer leisure activities for children, projects aimed at reducing anxiety and psychological support and other similar initiatives,” said Marta Hladka, Programme Coordinator.
Learn about the terms of the competition here in the Get a Grant section.
And if you have any questions, please contact us at urbanspaceprogram@gmail.com