The regular general meeting of co-founders of the public restaurant Urban Space 100 was held
Today, on the 28th of January, a regular general meeting took place, where the co-founders of the public restaurant Urban Space 100 performed one of its missions: distributed 80 % of the net profit generated for a quarter for funding public projects on Ivano-Frankivsk development. In total, 22 projects had been submitted, and 7 of them received a grant. Let's find out more about them:
1. Get Rolling. Chassis restoration and repair of wheelchairs for people with disabilities at city hospitals.
2. Street Music Day 2017. This musical event was organized to provide the musicians with a platform for self-expression, and people with an access to high-quality contemporary music and an opportunity to try their hand in music; hence the festival’s motto is “Everyone can become a musician!” The festival also hosts Street Piano, a musical art project, where anyone can try to play the instrument. The project received partial funding.
3. Architecture. Music. Ballet photo project. The photo project strives to draw the attention of locals to the problems of architectural heritage preservation in Ivano-Frankivsk and support the art through a contrast combination of architecture and classical ballet. To make pictures even more dynamic, musicians of the Ivano-Frankivsk chamber orchestra and graceful ballerinas highlighting the beauty of the form and lines of buildings, transforming them into sublime art objects in the photos, will be involved too. The project received partial funding.
4. Filmmaking - 101. Filmmaking 101 is an educational course on film production for beginners from I. Riabchuk, a founder of 100 Cubes film production company, a leading Ukrainian cinematographer, and director. The course programme includes a theoretical and a practical module. In practice, students will shoot short films of about 12–15 min each. The project received partial funding.
5. Child-Friendly Public Space. The project involves the beautification of the territory near Mickiewicz public garden, as well as its filling with additional content, and quality landscape and urban design elements. The project received partial funding.
6. City Scanning Session Urban Festival. The festival comprises a number of activities (workshops) hosted by Ukrainian and international curators. Aimed at covering/solving the urban space issues (e. g. inclusion of the city’s natural resources in the active social life of citizens), the workshops have been squeezed into a compact time frame. The issues tackled during the festival will depend on the preliminary results of the city survey and will be united by a hot topic for Ivano-Frankivsk under the general guidance of experienced European curators. The project received partial funding.
7. Teddy Bear Hospital. Initiators of the project are gradually improving the communication of children with doctors through workshops and games. It is planned to release a cartoon about the adventures of a bear cub and establish a Teddy Bear Hospital in-patient facility. The project received partial funding.
By now, Urban Space 100 has already supported 38 projects. The next meeting to decide on the initiatives funding will be held at the end of April, and applicants should submit their projects from 15 March to 15 April.