Urban Space 100 announced the winners of the winter grant season. Among the 13 projects submitted to the competition, 6 initiatives will get funds totalling UAH 269,953. The winners were chosen by the co-founders of the restaurant at the 33rd General Meeting held on January 28, 2023.
The meeting participants also decided to transfer UAH 170,000 to the Save Ukraine Now coordination centre to support the Prykarpattia battalions on the front lines. In total, since the outbreak of the full-scale invasion, the Urban Space 100 public restaurant has supported SUN with UAH 1,170,000.
Read more about each of the projects:
1. “STEAM – SCHOOL FOR PEACE”, grant amount: UAH 35,000
*STEM education: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics.
As part of the project, schoolchildren (aged 11-16) will undergo a training in social entrepreneurship, 3D modelling and 3D printing, IT technologies, art, natural and mathematical sciences. After the training, program participants will implement their own 3D modelling projects.
Grant funds provided by Urban Space 100 will be spent to purchase a 3D printer.
2. “Music therapy for premature babies”, grant amount: UAH 57,378
Premature babies require a long hospital stay after birth. Silence, like disorderly noise, inhibits the formation of a child’s brain and motor development, so the project aims to fill the wards with music – a meaningful auditory stimulus.
Grant funds provided by Urban Space 100 will be spent to purchase, deliver and install an acoustic system at the unit of intensive care and early rehabilitation of prematurely born children at the Municipal Non-Profit Enterpirse, Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital.
3. Creating a book for preschoolers “Frankivska Alfabetka”, grant amount: UAH 68,000
The Frankivsk That Must Be Cherished initiative will create the “Frankivska Alfabetka” book to make preschoolers familiar with their native city in a pleasant, useful and inspiring way, so that the city can be read literally and figuratively by letters.
Grant funds provided by Urban Space 100 will be used to create illustrations and get the book ready for printing.
4. “Electricity is not a problem. In the footsteps of Faraday”, grant amount: UAH 40,522
The initiators of the project, the RoboclubIF team, is not the first to implement educational social (free) programs for children affected by the war.
This time, they plan to make children familiar with electricity through a series of master classes and by creating their own projects.
Grant funds provided by Urban Space 100 will cover fees for the program’s developers and teachers, as well as the purchase of necessary materials.
5. “Take care of the environment. Sort it out!” Grant amount: UAH 31,053
The RE:space public sorting station is a space for eco-conscious people, which is located on the territory of PROMPRYLAD.RENOVATION organisation and provides free services to the citizens. It accepts about 15 types of recyclable materials, but Tetra Pak multi-layer packages require a pressing system.
Grant funds provided by Urban Space 100 will be spent to purchase a pressing equipment for secondary raw materials to optimise the processes of accumulation, storage and logistics of the station.
6. “Crystal Kammerton”, grant amount: UAH 31,000
Crystal Kammerton is a festival of Ukrainian classical music, where beginner and professional musicians can perform together. During the previous 2 seasons of Crystal Kammerton almost 300 children performed. For greater cultural and artistic exchange, the organisers want to invite at least one performer from other cities to each concert, in order to attract people from all over Ukraine to the artistic space of Ivano-Frankivsk.
Grant funds provided by Urban Space 100 will cover the rental of halls, fees and promotion campaign of the festival.
For eight years of its existence, Urban Space 100 has supported 152 projects totalling UAH 5,695,734. Learn about all of them in the Supported Projects Section.
You may apply for the next Grant Season from March 15th to April 15th.
You can learn how to apply for a grant provided by Urban Space 100 by the link.